Saturday, May 30, 2009

Juice Plus+ Whole Foods Nutrition

My Juice Plus+ Story
Hello, My name is Dr. Lisa Tostado ND. I graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2008. I relocated to Louisville, Ky 6 mos. ago, and find myself in a unique time in my life; a time of great change, new beginnings and expanding horizons. I am now just jump starting my career in naturopathic medicine, in a completely new town, and am very fortuante to have recently met and now be working with Dr. Peter Swanz at Vital Force Naturopathy. During our first meeting we both agreed that taking a whole foods based supplement was the best way to acquire more vitamins and minerals outside of real food. A recent Juice Plus+ customer himself, Dr. Swanz told me about this whole foods based supplement he started taking and recommended to his patients, and suggested I take a closer look at it. So I decided to visit the website for Juice Plus+ and found a lot of information citing all the independently run research on the product showing the efficacy and positive health benefits of it. In addition to this, I got the opportunity to talk to Dr. Mike Smith at Carolina's Natural Health Center and hear about his Juice Plus+ story as well as how well it worked for his patients. I feel very excited about using this supplement because I am transitioning into a position where I will be seeing patients on my own and now have a better resource to help them in their road to health. I feel fortunate having found this product this early in my career because I come from the school of thought that people should be on the traditional muti-vitamin and mineral complex. Now I can recommend something that comes in its whole food form, has high bioavailability, and is complete with all of the other phytonutrients supplements made in a lab are lacking in.

The Science Of Juice Plus+
Juice Plus+ is a whole foods supplement that delivers 17 different fruits, vegetables, and grains. The concentrated extracts of these supplements are carefully monitored for pesticide contamination as well as biochemical integrity. Many independently run studies throughout the world at leading universities have come to the following conclusions about Juice Plus+:
  • Delivers key phytonutrients that are absorbed by the body
  • Reduces oxidative stress
  • Helps support a healthy immune system
  • Helps repair DNA
  • Positively impacts several key indicators of cardiovascular wellness
Bridging the gap between what you do eat and what you should eat is made easier with Juice Plus+.

For information on Juice Plus+, and how it can help you and your family, go to the following link:


  1. This sounds like a really sensible way to help insure proper nutrition. Speaking for myself, it is often quite difficult try to eat properly while on a busy schedual. Although I try to make sensible choises for meals, I feel as if there is something lacking which usually result in tiredness/fatigue being the symtoms.

  2. Thanks for your wonderful feedback! You make a very good point, even when we strive to eat our daily servings of fruits and veggies for the day, it can be very challenging. Juicing at home and eating soups and salads are a few of the ways we can get multiple servings at once. But even for the typical American conscientious of their diet, time constraints, finances and accessibility to these healthier foods can be an obstacle. Juice Plus is one way we can add more fruits and veggies into our diet in an economical and convenient way. It is cheaper than daily juicing at $1.50 a day, cheaper than a cup of coffee for most, and you don't have to worry about food spoilage, or blood sugar spikes with the fruits. Keep in mind that supplements are precisely what they are, a supplement to our diet, they are not intended to replace real food. But when we do supplement, we should be choosing whole foods based nutrition so that we are not missing out on the 1,000's of other phytonutrients and cofactors that synthetic supplements simply do not have.

  3. I’m thinking to invest in some health care companies as they are needed regardless how the economy is doing.

    Homeopathy medicines

  4. Vitamins are eligible FSA expense however, without a dr note for them, the FSA card declines the payment. Have you ever written a dr note for juice plus and had your clients sign up using their FSA card?
